Report from Stillwater Prison - Adam's List
Sexiest Albums of the Year!
1. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago Vampire Weekend
3. Girl Talk - Feed the Animals
4. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
5. Sun Kil Moon - April
6. Okkervil River - The Stand Ins
Flight Of The Conchords
Med Sud I Eyrum Vid
The Golden Age
10. Ray LaMontagne - Gossip in the Grain2008 Disappointments
Mason Jennings - Annual winner/loser for the past 6 years.
Ryan Adams - How did someone so interesting become so boring?
Guster - Your disappointments also transfer year to year even if you don't release new material.
2008 Guilty and Not So Guilty Pleasures
Pandora - I recently fell back in love after entering "Sigur Ros" as a new station.
"You Don't Know Me" by Ben Folds - Does the new album suck? Yes it does. Does this song suck? I don't think so. I think it's awesome.
"Valerie Plame" by The Decemberists - This track proves they can continue to make music that still sounds new and original.
Google - Whatever I need, you provide. Thank you for now offering Chrome, Streetview, Sketchup, Video Chatting, Goog-411, and Google SMS. - Jessica (Keller) Williams, I blame you for this addiction.
Increased whiskey, scotch, bourbon, and brandy consumption - What can I say?
Jenny Lewis - Her voice is so hypnotic.
Tubguy - One guy sitting in a tub with a recent copy of The Week, some bubbles, and three fingers of Findlaters.
Chris Dane Owens' "Shine on Me" video - Hard to believe he could follow up the amazing production work on Animal Planet's "Who Gets the Dog?" with this masterpiece.
Looking Forward To In 2009:
New Franz Ferdinand album
New Sufjan Stevens album
Live @ GAC 10 year reunion concert (November 2009)
New DJ Tort Feasor track
Robert Skoro sightings (0 in 2008)
6 figure deal for The Great American Novel (I'm looking your way Random House.)
New Jens Lekman album
New seasons of Flight of the Conchords, Lost, and Big Love.
Wii Motion Plus
A worthy successor to Settlers of Catan (Ticket to Ride?)
More Christmas Rambo
Awesome list! I think, though, that some may argue the Bon Iver and MGMT were actually 2007 releases, but they're still very good nonetheless.
I'm psyched for the MJ reunion show in November '09!
I second the "More Christmas Rambo" wish.
And I think I also know Tubguy, except at our house he reads John LeCarre and drinks red wine.
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