The (less than) definitive guide to all things listable in 2009.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Bryan's favs '08

Dear readers, I apologize for the laziness of my lists.  They are written for a different forum that I contribute to and contain preaching-to-the-choir details and explanations considering the current content and the level of musical depth in this group.  I bow to your superior elitism and creative writing skills.

I will thank you for all contributing though, I get a nice laugh every year reading your lists.


Favorite albums 08 (new releases):

1) Fleet Foxes - self titled
My morning jacket meets the shins.  I'll admit that there isn't stunning originality here but they do what they do very well.  Plus, My Morning Jacket's release this year was pretty disappointing and the Shins released last year.  I'll settle for a combination of the two...for now.
2) The Walkmen - You and me
Can't get enough of the bluesy rough-around-the-edges vocals and unpolished feel of this album.  Occasionally I like my albums shimmering with perfect and sparkly production but I would never want The Walkmen to go that route (see Girl Talk).  Its the most endearing aspect of their music.
3) The Magnetic Fields - Distortion
Folksy lo-fi with simple melodies and witty lyrics. 2 parts poet : 1 part musician.
4) Girl Talk - Feed the animals
This music is the complete opposite of my personality.  Maybe it gives me the most to learn from.  Did I mention its freely available on the interweb?  If you haven't heard of GT its a genre called mashup which consists of samples on top of samples mixed with samples in a light sample sauce.  The central core of the music is hip hop so be prepared for swares.
5) Sea and Cake - Car Alarm
The Sea and Cake are an old standby for me.  Again, I find myself liking a vocalist that wouldn't last one second on american idol.  He sings with very airy-whisper-voice that doesn't quite seem to be hitting the notes on perfect pitch.  I'm pretty sure he would fail out on Rock Band too.  The music is kindof a softer jazz that can occasionally stumble upon something that resembles rock.
Favorite albums 08 (old releases):
1) Boston - self titled
I'm pretty sure Rock Band had everything to do with my rediscovery of this album.
2) U2 - War
Never a disappointing listen.  Remember when Bono used to be so relevant?
3) Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Shake the sheets
Good positive energy.  A pick-me-up when everything sounds too depressing.
4) Fulflej - Wack Ass Tuba Riff
Fun pseudo-seriousness.  Sometimes its fun to get really amped-up about things that don't matter in the big the difference in quality between casette tapes and cds or vhs and dvd...
5) Superdrag - In the valley of dying stars
One of my old standbys for a rockin' air guitar bang on your steering wheel good time.

Favorite Songs (new releases):
Single Ladies - Beyonce
White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes
California Girls - The Magnetic Fields
Kids - MGMT
In the new year - The Walkmen

Favorite Songs (old releases):
Hand in my pocket - Alanis Morrisette
Peace of mind - Boston
40 - U2
Moonage Daydream - David Bowie
Under the bridge - Red Hot Chili Peppers

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