The (less than) definitive guide to all things listable in 2009.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Wade's [Dick in a Box] Top Ten

I apologize for the late posting. It's just that I am constantly listening to new indie artists and haven't had time to set my new Zune down for a minute to post my list, but here is my long-awaited listing of the top lists this year. Bloggers worldwide, start your debating! (and ignore the fact that no one cares what you think)

Meta-Top Ten

1. Rob's Top Ten - Former bracefaced Honda driver morphs into smoldering, litagating, verb-inducing Jetta-setter but retains second-grade humor mores. Introduces motion to dismiss local panties. Entire female legal teams sweep away precedent just to get the two hairy analyses and one long piece of evidence under his briefs.

2. Kyle's Top Ten - Kyle presented a top ten which consisted of what could have been bands and albums, or possibly countries and failed dictatorships, or parts of the ear, nose or throat. Yet the number one single was radio hit "Crazy." I respects them shits. KY takes the hideous boil of obscure music and puts it right on the anus of the beautiful, if slightly retarded, girl of popular music.

3. Erika's Top Ten - I put you next to Kyle because if I remember correctly, that's where you'd want to be. It also seemed that you have become musically "enlightened" as of late. It is not too late for you. Let me send you your brother's Weezer T-shirt and concert footage. Olaf sux.

4. Adam's Top Ten - "Trust thyself," writes Emerson in The Da Vinci Code. Yes, Adam knows that when his friends come over to drink Scotch, play Wii, and spin on stools, he needs to have the 50 Cent playlist, because CJ doesn't listen to Iron and Wine while reppin' his set. Adam also alluded to the fact that there is one person in the world who puts less effort into their music than Ryan Adams:

5. Mickey's Top Ten - Mickey, look deep inside yourself. Isn't there a Weezer shirt there somewhere? Won't we always have the Nine Inch Nails concert? I worry that soon you'll start watching only HBO and we will never talk about TV again!

Top Reasons to Hate Pitchfork

1. Mastadon - "Hey, we listen to all types of music! Really! I mean, heavy metal, too, of course! Just...I mean...we like, umm...shi---oh, yea, Leviathan! Rocks, man! Reminds me of early...sorta..." Seriously, these guys are good. They've got tight rhythms, freight-train guitars, dynamic range--oh, wait, I thought we were talking about System of a Down. No, Mastadon sucks.

2. Pitchfork

Top Albums that I Will Probably Not Listen To

01 - Neko Case - Fox Confessor Brings the Flood - Gritty vocals, percussive too-loud bass technical drumming--the Tool influence is very heavy on this album, but it somehow retains its own flavor.
02 - Destroyer - Destroyer's Rubies - I have always been a Christopher Cross fan, which makes it sort of obvious why this is my #2.
03 - Beirut - Gulag Orkester - This is the album that Toto should have released in the early ninties, or that Alex Lifeson's solo project should have been. Good bowling music.
04 - Belle & Sebastian - The Life Pursuit - Sure, Belle was criticized for leaving The Beast Project and hooking up with longtime New Pornographers producer Sebastian Bach. But this neo-Skid Row leaves the listener satified.
05 - My Brightest Diamond - Bring Me the Workhorse - It's like a taste of heaven--all-beef, with onions, relish and mustard. Fantastic.
06 - Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche - Nutty, with a warm finish and a vague taste of bitters.
07 - The Hold Steady - Boys & Girls in America - "Let's just talk at the audience. They'll fuckin' love it."
08 - The Decemberists - The Crane Wife - When the air turns warm and the sun melts into the lake, I think of our wedding day, and the once-in-a-lifetime chance to be with everyone we love and enjoy it for one bright, full day. Listening to The Decemberists is the exact opposite of that.


Thursday, December 28, 2006

Adam's Top Ten of Death

Is it possible that I finally like female artists? I put three in my top ten and I could have slid Jenny Lewis and Neko Case in there too. It will probably just be a temporary thing.

The Ten

  1. Decemberists – Crane Wife - This is a sweet album and it doesn't matter that some of the songs are not great, because others make up the difference. Sorry Metallica, but this is America's Best Band…..period.
  2. Cat Power – The Greatest - She started taking depression meds and look what happened.
  3. Regina Spektor – Begin to Hope – I resisted this album at first when Nicole thought it was great. She was right. It might be something that fades, but it's awesome right now.
  4. Ray LaMontagne – Til the Sun Turns Black – I don't care if people think this is a boring album, it relaxes me.
  5. Badly Drawn Boy – Born in the U.K. – See above.
  6. Band of Horses – Everything All the Time – It seems like I only listen to all the same kind of crap.
  7. Bob Dylan – Modern Times – Eat shit everyone. There are some great songs on this one. Mickey stopped listening as soon as Bob dropped an Alicia Keyes reference—I say start listening!!!! Workingman's Blues #2 is my favorite.
  8. Johnny Cash – American V – Really sad music. Each song more depressing than the next. I love it!!
  9. Joanna Newsome - Ys – Weird and not as good as her previous, but very complex.
  10. Destroyer – Rubies – I like Painter in My Pocket the best.

Other Great Artists of the Year

Midlake – They put out a damn fine record that almost hit the top ten.

Jenny Lewis – She is old school!

Neko Case- She sings a pretty song.

Islands – I love them, but I can only take them in small doses.

Rock Plaza Central – I swear you are Neutral Milk Hotel wannabes and I love you for that.

Artists that Suck

Justin Timberlake – Your new album is horrible. Just horrible.

Guster – Why do you choose to be so crappy still? Drop your bass guy and ditch the kit. People may start to respect you again.

Mason Jennings – I pulled out your old stuff again and it is still great, then I listened to Boneclouds again. C'mon dude, either lighten up or stop trying so hard.

Alan Sparhawk – Solo Guitar was the most ridiculous thing I heard all year. It was dumb.

Top Four Skoro Sightings of 2006

4. I saw him at the 311 club a couple weeks ago as he was starting his 6 PM Sunday shift. I finished my bloody mary and left.

3. I saw him at the Jens Lekman concert after we got there late and missed his set. He got some beer at the bar and then went backstage.

2. After seeing him for the first time after he moved back from Pittsburg, I proceeded to get drunk and then unintentionally insult him and then leave the 331 Club.

1. I nearly hit him with my car as he weaved through traffic on his bike.

Artist of the Year

Surprise, it's Ryan Adams – He released 14 new albums of material on his website that Wade Laughlin should appreciate or possibly could have made himself. You have to listen to the album Christmas Apocalypse 2 by his alter ego The Shit. He has songs called ABCDACDCXMAS and Cokey Christmas. Everything there is completely worthless and very funny.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Erika's Top Tens

Top 10 of 2006
1. Destroyer- Rubies. If this album consisted of the title track alone, it
still would have made #1.
2. Sunset Rubdown- Shut Up I Am Dreaming
3. Neko Case- Fox Confessor Brings the Flood
4. Beirut- Gulag Orkestar
5. Swan Lake- Beast Moans. Mickey thinks this album is a big
disappointment. HE'S CRAZY! It's a lovely mosaic of sound! Both diverse
and cohesive.
6. Islands- Return to the Sea
7. Grizzly Bear- Yellow House
8. TV on the Radio- Return to Cookie Mountain
9. My Brightest Diamond- Bring Me the Workhorse
10. Califone- Roots and Crowns

Missed the Boat in 2005/Dust Offs:
I combined these two categories because I became truly musically
enlightened only in the past year or so. This is a list (in no order) of
tunes that are essential to my existence:
Pavement- Terror Twilight (duh!)
Neutral Milk Hotel- In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (duh twice!)
Wolf Parade- Apologies To the Queen Mary
Okkervil River- Black Sheep Boy
Joanna Newsom- The Milk-Eyed Mender
Destroyer's entire anthology…or at least the parts I own.
Broken Social Scene- 2005's s/t and You Forgot It In the People
New Pornographers- Electric Version
Sufjan- again, the whole collection
The Arcade Fire- Funeral (duh thrice!)
Sleater-Kinney- The Woods
Animal Collective- Sung Tongs

So, both Wilco and Ted Leo/Rx are kind of conspicuously absent. I just
don't love them like the rest of the world does. They're good, but not

Best Shows in '06:
Sunset Rubdown- in mid-May at Carleton. This show made me a Spencer Krug fan.
Frog Eyes/Wolf Parade- in August at First Ave. CRAZY times!
Ghislain Poirier- in the Biz3 tent at Pitchfork. The whole crowd had a blast.
Junior Boys- 400 Bar in October. The album is thirty times better when
heard live. It was a super fun dance party.

'07 Wishlist:
New Pornographers
The Arcade Fire
Hello, Blue Roses- Dan Bejar and his girlfriend or something.

Other Media:
We don't have TV at St. Olaf. So it's YouTube-
Charlie the Unicorn: (
Shoes: (
Colbert at the Correspondents' dinner:'s Political Gabfest (weekly podcast)

Also, Good magazine.

Oh yeah, and this one site is okay…Pitchfork something? Maybe you've heard
of it.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Rob's Top Teens

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.


Monday, December 18, 2006

Kyle's top ten and others

Kyle's top ten

I felt that since the 'fork was going to reveal their top ten tomorrow, I'd throw mine in first.  Just to rub it in their face.  Take that Screiber!  I also have not checked out MIckey's nerd site, but I look forward to checking out all of your lists and listening to albums I have not yet heard (CSS, My Brightest Diamond among others).  I hated that Bob Dylan CD, so Rolling Stone can eat it.

To highlight my lameness I will add what is becoming a perennial caveat.  I have not given a lot of records a really good listen, I did, however, watch every episode of Rockstar Supernova.  Priorities.  I hated that kid that won, look for them on next year's top ten, I'm sure.

Top Ten in no particular order

Beirut - Gulag Orkestar
Tap Tap - Lanzafame
Belle and Sebastian - The Life Pursuit (especially because of Dress Up In You)
Band of Horses - Everything all the Time
Sunset Rubdown - Shut Up I am Dreaming (much in the same vein that Wolf Parade was on my top ten last year)
Hypatia Lake - ...And We Shall Call Him Joseph
Islands - Return to the Sea
Neko Case - Fox something or rather
Destroyer - Destoyer's Rubies (because I like my songs ambling.  I will add that I am bitter that when I saw this guy some 4 years ago he wouldn't play Queen of Languages when I was one of about 9 audience members)
TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain

Other albums I am digging

Danielson - Wailing at Jake
Old Crow Medicine Show (despite some glaring similarities to their last album)
Phoenix - Freedom Fries
Starlight Mints - Drowaton
Calexico - The Border's Just a Line

Top Single

Crazy - Gnarls

Song I love from last year that I discovered this year

Handle Me - Robyn

Hope to see y'all at the New Year's Eve party this year at the villa in Dallas.  There's a pool, and we can evade the leaf blowers in the night.


Friday, December 15, 2006

Pitchfork Guest Lists

Pitchfork has posted their Guest List: Best of 2006 list, featuring the favorites of a bunch of bands Wade hates.

Check it out, as well as their ongoing recap lists of 2006.

EDIT 12/19:Here's their Top 50 albums of the year. I'm not shocked (but more appalled) that the Clipse album is on the top ten, but it's Pitchfork, so we can just be thankful it didn't make #1.


Tuesday, December 5, 2006

More Cowbell - Top Local Albums

Music blog More Cowbell has posted their top 25 local albums of the year.


Thursday, November 30, 2006

Mickey's Lists

Mickey's Top 20 of 2006

Yeah, it's long. Do you really have something better to do, though?

01 - Neko Case - Fox Confessor Brings the Flood - From the minute I heard this, I knew it would be on my list. Neko nailed it on this one.

02 - Destroyer - Destroyer's Rubies - This album was Dan's return to form for me, as it's very reminiscent of 2001's Streethawk: A Seduction. Just barely #2.

03 - Beirut - Gulag Orkester - A hyped debut that lives up to the press. And yes, it is sort of the karmic return of Neutral Milk Hotel.

04 - Belle & Sebastian - The Life Pursuit - Is this really their last album? I hope not, as they are on a huge hot streak right now.

05 - TV On the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain - THIS is the album TVOTR should have released as their first full length. This is what neo-soul should sound like.

06 - Band of Horses - Everything All the Time - Embarrassingly, this was headed for the overhyped section of this list in June. I then gave it some more time and found myself to be a stupid, stupid judge of character.

07 - My Brightest Diamond - Bring Me the Workhorse - It's like Jeff Bjork-ley. Fills a need in me as precious as lyrics about butterflies.

08 - Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche - Finn and I jammed to this a lot just after he was born. We'd cruise to visit mom at work while listening to "The Mistress Witch of McClure."

09 - The Hold Steady - Boys & Girls in America - This album makes me pine for an alternate reality where I go to a college bar, get bombed, and everyone there sings these songs at the top of their alcohol-soaked lungs.

10 - The Decemberists - The Crane Wife - This album came pretty darn close to not being included at all, since it has some songs I actually skip ("Summersong," "The Perfect Crime pt. 2"), but they are my favorite active band, so there's some favoritism at work.

11 - Wooden Wand & The Sky High Band - Second Attention
12 - Micah P. Hinson - Micah P. Hinson & The Opera Circuit
13 - The Long Winters - Putting the Days to Bed
14 - Amy Millan - Honey From the Tombs
15 - Peter Bjorn & John - Writer's Block
16 - David Bazan - Fewer Moving Parts
17 - Tortoise & Bonnie "Prince" Billy - The Brave and the Bold
18 - Girl Talk - Night Ripper
19 - Old Crow Medicine Show - Big Iron World
20 - NoFX - Wolves in Wolves' Clothing

Biggest Disappointments

  • Beck - The Information
  • Swan Lake - Beast Moans
  • Hip Hop in general

Missed the Boat in 2005

  • Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary - This is embarrassing
  • Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Broom
  • Spinto Band - Nice and Nicely Done
  • Iron & Wine - Our Endless Numbered Days
  • Iron & Wine/Calexico - In the Reins

Diamonds in the Rough
  • Guillemots - "Trains to Brazil" from Through the Window Pane
  • Beck - "1000 BPM" from The Information
  • Jay-Z - "Oh My God" from Kingdom Come
  • Yo La Tengo - "Beanbag Chair" from I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass
  • OOIOO - "Uma" from Taiga
  • Catfish Haven - "I Don't Worry" from Tell Me
  • Ratatat - "Nostrand" from Classics
  • William Elliot Whitmore - "Dry" from Song of the Blackbird

'07 Wishlist
  • The Shins - Wincing the Night Away - I have heard it and it rocks in true Shins fashion.
  • Arcade Fire
  • Ted Leo/Pharmacists
  • Spoon - Trouble Minx
  • Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha
  • New Pornographers
  • Low - The Violet Path - Their first album sans-Zak Sally on bass. (Only to be replaced by my former Electric Fetus co-worker, Matt Livingston.)
  • Deerhoof - Friend Opportunity - I've heard this as well and I was pleasantly surprised.
  • Andrew Bird - Mysterious Production of Eggs - This album never actually gathered any dust having never left the frequent rotation from last year.
  • Rufus Wainwright - Want One
Genre Sucker
  • I hated hip hop this year for ultimately disappointing me at every turn. From Blackalicious to Jay-Z, everything I used to love got boring. BOOOO!
  • Clipse - Hell Hath No Fury - Man. What a load of anticipation for such a run-of-the-mill album. I guess it's just keeping pace with the rest of the genre.
  • Bob Dylan - Modern Times - I don't know what I hated more; Bob's new album or the shitty comments he made about no good music being made in the last 20 years. Suck it, Zimmerman.
  • Guillemots - Through the Window Pane - SNORE. (Though I have an inkling that in maybe two years I'll come back to this and like it.
  • Midlake - Trial of Van Occupanther - Drab and non-distinct.
Other Media Exist
  • LOST - This show went from "Pretty Darn Good" to "OMG!! AMAZING! I LUV LOST!"Heroes - A decent show that keeps me entertained, but is certainly no LOST.
  • The Prestige/An Inconvenient Truth - I don't see many movies these days, but these were particularly good.


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Metacritic Best Of...

For those not in the know, Metacritic is a decent site for Rotten Tomatoes style review compilation.

They maintain a best of list for music that is worth checking out.


New York Times Books of the Year

The New York Times has published their 100 Notable Books of the Year as well as their Top Ten Books of the Year. Check 'em out, yo.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

89.3 DJ Picks & Contest

89.3 "The Current is hosting a Top 20 contest where the winner gets a 80 GB Video iPod. If you're spending time crafting your own list for this blog, you may as well take it there, too.

While you're there, you can also check out their DJ and staff top ten lists, which are rather interesting.


Monday, November 27, 2006

Commence Listing

Welcome to the Top Tens blog. You should have received an e-mail regarding submissions and such, so refer to that. If you're nerdy like me, you can subscribe to the RSS feed at the bottom of the page so you can be notified when new posts are available.

Let the listing begin!


The Rules

Here are the suggested categories and guidelines for top ten list submission. Feel free to pick and choose in which ones you will participate.

The Top Ten

  • List your ten favorite albums in order of preference. A little sentence or two about the qualities of each album are encouraged.
11-20/Honorable Mentions
  • List as many (or as few) albums that didn't quite make it to the top ten. Again, personal reflection on the album is always encouraged.
Missed the Boat in 2005
  • Your favorite albums from last year that you didn't get around to enjoying until this year. 3- 5 albums is usually enough, but go crazy if you like.
Biggest Disappointments
  • Did you have high hopes for an album(s), only to have them dashed against the rocks of mediocrity? Tell us the details, please.
Diamonds in the Rough
  • Sort of a cousin to the Biggest Disappointments category. Were there great tracks on otherwise crappy/boring/sub-par albums?
'07 Wishlist
  • What releases are you most anticipating for 2007? Which ones have you already heard you internet-addicted, bit-torrenting music theif?
Best Live Shows
  • Who/What/When/Where/Why
  • What older albums from your collection did you come back to and really enjoy?
Genre Sucker
  • What genre (if any) did you favor over the others this year?
  • What was least deserving of unadulterated praise?
Other Media Exist
  • Perhaps you're not a music-snob. Tell us of something else you enjoyed seeing/reading/doing this year.