The (less than) definitive guide to all things listable in 2009.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Erika's Top Tens

Top 10 of 2006
1. Destroyer- Rubies. If this album consisted of the title track alone, it
still would have made #1.
2. Sunset Rubdown- Shut Up I Am Dreaming
3. Neko Case- Fox Confessor Brings the Flood
4. Beirut- Gulag Orkestar
5. Swan Lake- Beast Moans. Mickey thinks this album is a big
disappointment. HE'S CRAZY! It's a lovely mosaic of sound! Both diverse
and cohesive.
6. Islands- Return to the Sea
7. Grizzly Bear- Yellow House
8. TV on the Radio- Return to Cookie Mountain
9. My Brightest Diamond- Bring Me the Workhorse
10. Califone- Roots and Crowns

Missed the Boat in 2005/Dust Offs:
I combined these two categories because I became truly musically
enlightened only in the past year or so. This is a list (in no order) of
tunes that are essential to my existence:
Pavement- Terror Twilight (duh!)
Neutral Milk Hotel- In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (duh twice!)
Wolf Parade- Apologies To the Queen Mary
Okkervil River- Black Sheep Boy
Joanna Newsom- The Milk-Eyed Mender
Destroyer's entire anthology…or at least the parts I own.
Broken Social Scene- 2005's s/t and You Forgot It In the People
New Pornographers- Electric Version
Sufjan- again, the whole collection
The Arcade Fire- Funeral (duh thrice!)
Sleater-Kinney- The Woods
Animal Collective- Sung Tongs

So, both Wilco and Ted Leo/Rx are kind of conspicuously absent. I just
don't love them like the rest of the world does. They're good, but not

Best Shows in '06:
Sunset Rubdown- in mid-May at Carleton. This show made me a Spencer Krug fan.
Frog Eyes/Wolf Parade- in August at First Ave. CRAZY times!
Ghislain Poirier- in the Biz3 tent at Pitchfork. The whole crowd had a blast.
Junior Boys- 400 Bar in October. The album is thirty times better when
heard live. It was a super fun dance party.

'07 Wishlist:
New Pornographers
The Arcade Fire
Hello, Blue Roses- Dan Bejar and his girlfriend or something.

Other Media:
We don't have TV at St. Olaf. So it's YouTube-
Charlie the Unicorn: (
Shoes: (
Colbert at the Correspondents' dinner:'s Political Gabfest (weekly podcast)

Also, Good magazine.

Oh yeah, and this one site is okay…Pitchfork something? Maybe you've heard
of it.


Mickey said...

My little sis is taking after me. My heart swelled with pride at the phrase "truly musically enlightened."

Micah Whetstone said...

Hey Erika, Speaking of buying the entire Destoyer back catalog - I'm considering doing the same myself. You might want want to check this out: THE DESTROYER MEGABUNDLE -
All of it new & direct from Merge (shipping included) or you can just stick your toe in with the 3 for 30 deal. Niceynice.