The (less than) definitive guide to all things listable in 2009.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Kyle's top ten and others

Kyle's top ten

I felt that since the 'fork was going to reveal their top ten tomorrow, I'd throw mine in first.  Just to rub it in their face.  Take that Screiber!  I also have not checked out MIckey's nerd site, but I look forward to checking out all of your lists and listening to albums I have not yet heard (CSS, My Brightest Diamond among others).  I hated that Bob Dylan CD, so Rolling Stone can eat it.

To highlight my lameness I will add what is becoming a perennial caveat.  I have not given a lot of records a really good listen, I did, however, watch every episode of Rockstar Supernova.  Priorities.  I hated that kid that won, look for them on next year's top ten, I'm sure.

Top Ten in no particular order

Beirut - Gulag Orkestar
Tap Tap - Lanzafame
Belle and Sebastian - The Life Pursuit (especially because of Dress Up In You)
Band of Horses - Everything all the Time
Sunset Rubdown - Shut Up I am Dreaming (much in the same vein that Wolf Parade was on my top ten last year)
Hypatia Lake - ...And We Shall Call Him Joseph
Islands - Return to the Sea
Neko Case - Fox something or rather
Destroyer - Destoyer's Rubies (because I like my songs ambling.  I will add that I am bitter that when I saw this guy some 4 years ago he wouldn't play Queen of Languages when I was one of about 9 audience members)
TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain

Other albums I am digging

Danielson - Wailing at Jake
Old Crow Medicine Show (despite some glaring similarities to their last album)
Phoenix - Freedom Fries
Starlight Mints - Drowaton
Calexico - The Border's Just a Line

Top Single

Crazy - Gnarls

Song I love from last year that I discovered this year

Handle Me - Robyn

Hope to see y'all at the New Year's Eve party this year at the villa in Dallas.  There's a pool, and we can evade the leaf blowers in the night.

1 comment:

Mickey said...

That Hypatia Lake is an interesting addition, in that it is not good.